Welcome Alumni
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing (BSMCON) has been delivering quality nursing education for over 60 years. We take pride in the achievements of our 3,300 alumni who embody the mission of the College through their service in Virginia, across the United States and worldwide! As nurses working in a wide range of roles and environments, BSMCON alumni are changing the world one life at a time. Our alumni are important members of the College community and we are honored to support and celebrate them.
Alumni Advisory Board
The Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing founded the Alumni Advisory Board to facilitate communication and exchange of ideas between alumni and the College. Additionally, the Board fosters a positive image of the College and alumni. This exchange of ideas is designed to promote the health of the community and its need for professional nursing education. The Board shares recommendations from alumni to inform and strengthen current as well as new services and programs. These recommendations also provide strategic direction for the College. Click here to learn more about the Alumni Advisory Board.
Alumni Ambassadors
The Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing (BSMCON) created the Alumni Ambassador Program to best support its alumni community. The program, which provides enhanced communication, engagement, and connection between alumni, faculty and current students, is the best way for BSMCON alumni to maximize their alumni status. All alumni are invited and encouraged to become an Alumni Ambassador. Click to read more about the Alumni Ambassador Program.